Baptism and Holy Communion are two sacraments that we celebrate and practice in our church.
A sacrament is a Christian rite that embodies the manifestation of God’s grace in our lives. Another way of putting it is that sacraments are Christian practices which speak to the people’s faith in God’s presence and their devotion and dedication to God and to each other as a Church.
It is one of the great joys of the church to celebrate the sacrament of baptism. We baptize both infants and adults. When they occur, baptisms are part of our Sunday morning worship service.
Through baptism, we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and are welcomed into Christ’s church. In baptism we affirm the gift of the Holy Spirit which empowers and guides those being baptized for their life of faith.
When baptizing infants, the parents of the child promise to raise the child in the Christian faith. The congregation also makes promises to assist in the vows and to provide an atmosphere of Christian nurture and growth.
Holy Communion is also known by the name “The Lord’s Supper”. In our church, the sacrament of Holy Communion is open to all.
Holy Communion reenacts the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before he was crucified. However, it is more than a reenactment; it is a sacramental rite that signals the grace of God present in the bread and wine (juice). In the meal we are fed the life of Christ whose body and blood were given and shed in love for humanity.
To schedule a baptism please call the church office @ (617) 479-8778
A sacrament is a Christian rite that embodies the manifestation of God’s grace in our lives. Another way of putting it is that sacraments are Christian practices which speak to the people’s faith in God’s presence and their devotion and dedication to God and to each other as a Church.
It is one of the great joys of the church to celebrate the sacrament of baptism. We baptize both infants and adults. When they occur, baptisms are part of our Sunday morning worship service.
Through baptism, we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and are welcomed into Christ’s church. In baptism we affirm the gift of the Holy Spirit which empowers and guides those being baptized for their life of faith.
When baptizing infants, the parents of the child promise to raise the child in the Christian faith. The congregation also makes promises to assist in the vows and to provide an atmosphere of Christian nurture and growth.
Holy Communion is also known by the name “The Lord’s Supper”. In our church, the sacrament of Holy Communion is open to all.
Holy Communion reenacts the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before he was crucified. However, it is more than a reenactment; it is a sacramental rite that signals the grace of God present in the bread and wine (juice). In the meal we are fed the life of Christ whose body and blood were given and shed in love for humanity.
To schedule a baptism please call the church office @ (617) 479-8778