Services are held each Sunday at 10:00AM, in person or via ZOOM. To join via ZOOM, please contact us at
(617) 479-8778 or [email protected]
Worship is central to our life of faith here at Houghs Neck Congregational Church. We seek to provide all who come an uplifting, faith-filled worship experience. Each Sunday, we proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all in Jesus Christ. Our hope is that you experience the loving and uplifting presence of God in our midst and are blessed with the spiritual strength to live faithfully and joyfully.
Services are Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. Following worship, we have a time of refreshments and fellowship.
Christmas Eve: On this evening, we celebrate the birth of Jesus through word and song. The service ends with the singing of “Silent Night” and the lighting of candles honoring Jesus as the “Light of the World”.
Maundy Thursday: Also known as “Holy Thursday” or “Great Thursday”, is a remembrance of the “Last Supper” when Jesus shared the “Passover” meal with his disciples the night before he was crucified. On this night, we gather for a simple meal of soup and bread then partake of Holy Communion just as the disciples did more than two thousand years ago. Included, is a service of “Tenebrae” with the gradual extinguishing of candles while the events of the three days before the resurrection of Jesus’ are read. We leave the church in silence.
Easter Sunday: breakfast is served in the Rev. M. Alicia Corea Fellowship Hall downstairs in the church prior to the service. Our 10:00 AM service celebrates new life through the resurrection of Christ.